As a business leader, whether you know it or not, you have a culture. The time and effort you put into it is going to determine the outcome of the culture you have.
Culture doesn't just happen. It's not something that's "foo-foo" or "touchy-feely." It's hard work. It takes a lot of energy, creativity, and hard knocks. You have to try things, to see what resonates, to see what works. And it's a continuing learning path that you have to be on.
If you're not willing to devote time, money, and service to creating a great culture, you're going to get what you get. And that's not the culture that you want. You don't want to be running a company and sit back 20 years later and wonder what happened.
We spend so much time at work. If you don't enjoy where you work and who you're surrounded by, you're not going to operate well. I suppose you can come in and punch a clock and be a number, but that's a terrible way to spend your life.
One of the most critical factors in the success of our company culture is that we have a CORE team that keeps us energized and motivated with monthly activities. We do barbecues and all sorts of different things to keep people motivated and working together. And then we also evaluate our teammates through that culture lens. How are we contributing to driving us forward?
Once you get people bought into that culture, you can make great strides. I've noticed a huge change in how we operate because we're taking the time.
We're looking at each other, we're able to discuss issues better, and we're able to discuss challenges. We rally around each other when somebody's having a bad day or a bad week, when a project goes sideways, when we need extra help. It's just a really great way to commit to each other and keep your business moving forward.
To help give you a further insight into how we here at SOLV commit to building our company culture, we've created a downloadable PDF to show you how we do it. This PDF is meant to give you 2 things: