Tech gifts can be a big hit, but only if they're done well. We've probably all been on the receiving end of a piece of tech swag that just felt cheap and cheesy. That's why I keep my eye out for tech gift ideas that will WOW your customers and leave a lasting impression. I love these two that I'm excited to share with you!
As you may already know, low inventory and extended ship times are still sometimes an issue. But, don’t worry, we’re here to help!
I'll let you in on a little secret: we have inside information on several vendors who have deep inventory for many products - yes, even the hottest new tech gifts.
Have you ever been asked for your business card - then realized you gave the last one in your pocket away? You're now visualizing the rest of your cards in a box - on your desk - staring at you to grab more, but you forgot because you were rushing out to meet your client. Well, I may have found the perfect solution....
I attended a webinar where PCNA presented one of their new tech products that will change the business card industry for the next generation. I was so excited about this I just had to share it with you!
Jason Alvarez-Cohen and Nick Eischens are the co-founders of Popl, a smartphone accessory and app that promotes contactless sharing by allowing users to instantly share their social media and contact information by simply holding their Popl to another smartphone.
Tyler Gallagher CEO and Founder of Regal Assets
You can share your business card digitally with just a tap of your phone with Popl. It works with both iPhone and Android and the most amazing feature is whoever you're sharing your information with doesn’t need the app. You can print your logo on the Popl and place it on the back of your phone, it’s that easy. Here’s a short video on how Popl works.
PCNA also introduced one of their newest products from HidrateSpark: A V3 Bluetooth Smart Water Bottle. You may be asking yourself, what's so special about a water bottle? A lot, actually.
Do you ever find yourself so engulfed in your work that when you finally come up for air it’s 3pm and you haven’t taken a sip out of your water bottle sitting right next to you? This happens to me daily!
Sure, there’s lots of apps and accessory devices that can remind you to drink water, but what if you had a water bottle that was so smart the bottle itself reminded you to drink water? That’s a gift that will leave a lasting impression for sure.
The HidrateSpark V3 glows when it’s time to drink water, connects to your phone via Bluetooth, tracks your water intake, and comes with a fun free app that does so much more.
A green glowing light is sure to catch your attention and get you to take a refreshing drink of water! And if you forget where you left your water bottle, the app can locate the bottle. How cool is that?
HidrateSpark 3 glows when it's time to drink and connects via Bluetooth to track every sip to keep your daily goal updated as you go. Opt in for the fun HidrateSpark App notifications to help you stay on track. Compete with friends in fun hydration challenges and earn trophies for your collection.
With the HidrateSpark App, your unique information like height, weight, activity level and more, are all used to customize your unique daily hydration goal. Proper hydration is key to optimal health and HidrateSparks hydration system is the easiest, most convenient way to realize health benefits.
Not sure if you left your bottle in the car or at the office? Use the Find My Bottle feature within the HidrateSpark App to easily locate your bottle at the last place that it synced.
If these tech gift ideas have caught your attention like they did mine, we would love to help you impress your customers or show your employees how much you appreciate them with a super cool gift. Contact us and choose a convenient time to get your coolest holiday tech gifts ever in motion!
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