The Ultimate Guide to Branded Promotional Products & Apparel

Date Posted: Aug 14, 2024
Matt McLaughlin

As a marketer there are 101 ways to get your business and brand out there. And technically, there is no wrong way to promote your business (just so long as it reaches your target audience).

I've been the go-to swag and apparel guy for a few years now, and I know firsthand what it takes to use branded promotional products and apparel effectively. Whether you're looking to boost brand recognition, enhance customer loyalty, or make a memorable impact, these items are powerful tools in any marketer’s arsenal.

Why You Need to Start Using Branded Promotional Products and Apparel

Let’s dive into some of the most compelling reasons why branded promotional products and apparel should be part of your marketing strategy:

  • Increase Your Brand Recognition
  • Cost-Effective Marketing
  • Improves Customer Loyalty & Retention
  • Enhances Brand Perception
  • Creates Direct Engagement
  • Increases Brand Awareness
  • Improves Lead Generation
  • Creates Memorable Impact
  • Supports Event Marketing
  • Improves Targeted Marketing

Increase Your Brand Recognition

It's said that it takes at least 7 times for a client or prospect to even remember your company's name. I’ve found that using branded promotional products and apparel speeds up this process, helping to increase visibility and brand recall quickly.

Cost-Effective Marketing

When it comes to bang for your buck, branded promotional products and apparel often outshine traditional advertising. According to research by ASI, 61% of people are likely to keep a piece of branded swag or apparel for two years or more—especially if it's high quality.

Imagine this: you spend $20 on a cool branded item, and it stays with your target audience for 730 days (2 years). That’s just $0.027 per day to make a lasting impression—way cheaper than that 30-day Facebook ad or a flyer that ends up in the recycling bin.

Improve Customer Loyalty & Retention

Want to say "Thank you" or "I appreciate your business" in a way that sticks? A well-chosen piece of branded merchandise or apparel does just that. It's proven that when someone receives a gift it provides a feeling of goodwill towards your company and brand. Though the power of a hand-written letter does go far giving something memorable with your logo on it goes a long ways.

Enhance Your Brand Perception

Here’s a big one: quality matters.

The branded promotional products and apparel you give away should reflect the image you want for your brand. If you’re a luxury finance company, for example, handing out cheap plastic water bottles or generic pens isn’t going to cut it. Instead, opt for a high-end item like a branded charcuterie board or a co-branded Stanley tumbler. The right choice can elevate your brand perception and align with the quality you want to be known for.

Create Direct Engagement

Handing out cool swag and apparel creates a direct exchange between your brand and potential customers. It’s a chance to build personal connections that people will remember more than a logo on a banner. This kind of face-to-face interaction is invaluable in creating lasting impressions.

Increase Your Brand Awareness

Branded apparel is the easiest way to turn your employees and customers into walking-talking billboards.

Think about it: everyone notices shirts with cool designs, and people will often ast where they got them. I can't tell you the amount of times I've been jealous I didn't have a Vans T-Shirt I saw someone else wearing. Branded Apparel is a easy and effective way to spread your brand message far and wide.

Tip from the Pro: Design something cool! It's much more exciting to show your brand with a cool design. Plus, if you're all ready getting your garment decorated you might as well have some fun with it.

Improve Lead Generation

Branded promotional products are fantastic incentives in lead generation campaigns. People love free swag, and it's a mutually beneficial exchange: they engage with your brand to receive some awesome merch, and you get more impressions, likes, and follows.

Create Memorable Impact

There’s nothing quite like seeing the look on someone’s face when they receive a piece of branded swag or apparel they love. As a marketer, it feels great to create a memorable moment with your audience—something that’s hard to replicate with digital-only efforts.

Support Your Event Marketing

Branded promotional products and apparel are essential for event marketing. Giving attendees something to remember your brand by after the event is crucial. And let’s be honest—branded swag makes a far better impression than another flyer.

In my time at SOLV, I've been involved in over 50 events, and our reputation for giving out the best swag is something I'm incredibly proud of. People literally run to the SOLV booth because they know we’ve got the goods.

Tip from the Pro: If your event has a theme, lean into it! It helps build the event’s reputation and shows that your company is adaptable. If the event doesn’t have a theme, this is your chance to get creative and show your brand as fun and approachable. Don’t be the booth that people avoid—engage them with something exciting.

Improve Targeted Marketing

Customizing your branded merchandise and apparel for specific demographics or businesses allows you to create a “WOW!” effect. This approach lets your team focus on highly targeted marketing efforts that truly resonate. Nothing feels cooler than receiving a box of materials with your name or company on it.

Final Thoughts

The versatility of branded promotional products and apparel in marketing your business is unmatched. Whether you’re aiming to boost brand recognition, enhance customer loyalty, or create memorable moments, these tools can make a significant impact on your marketing success.

If you're looking for ideas or need help finding products for your next project reach out to us and we can help you!

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